Youth About Us

The Foundation is very helpful, teaches us not only through theory but mostly through practice. Thanks to Atalaya I opened myself up to people – during trips I broke through my language barrier. Atalaya is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. 

The people working here are also fantastic. They will talk to you when you think the world is shutting you out. I’m talking about the team of Atalaya, as well as the volunteers I met there!

In the Foundation I can grow and play all at once. I will never say a bad word about my second home that ATALAYA has become for me!

I lived a year in Atalaya’s training apartament. That opportunity was very helpful because it was a time when I began to grow independent after leaving a children’s home, while I was studying. It gave me a possibility to easily manage working and studying at the same time, while also giving me mental safety and stability thanks to the fact that the apartament contract was clear, which was very important for me at the time. 

I felt I could lean on the women from the Foundation if I ever needed it, and they visited us many times to talk and ask how we were getting on living there. Besides the apartament, I know I can come to Atalaya when I need advice or help and when I want to grow in whatever area of life, as Atalaya carries out lots of workshops and projects. 

I think you do an enormous job. I haven’t received this kind of support anywhere and I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life. 

 It’s impossible to describe the Foundation with one or two sentences. This incredible place is beyond words. Thanks to Atalaya Foundation I learned so many things that changed me for the better. The workshops are much more useful than some school subjects because we will actually use them in our future lives. 

If I tried to name everything I learned thanks to Atalaya it would be too much and everyone would be jealous of me. 

I am part of another project, in which I learned even more new things that will be very useful in the future that is approaching rapidly towards me. I learned and mastered more English in a few days here than a few months at school. Yet what I owe to Atalaya the most is a feeling of support, care, time given to me and the multitude of conversations that opened my eyes and helped in discovering myself, with all the good and the bad. 
It’s a place where I can be myself and feel safe. The people there – I owe a lot to them, really, a lot. I am not ashamed of receiving support from Atalaya. On the contrary – I am happy to be there, take part in various projects and spend time with the people there. Thank You!

A relationship with Atalaya certainly taught me to believe in myself more and I know what there are people who want to help me in my plans concerning my career and future. 

It became one of the most important places in my life and I know I can always come there and feel welcome, and no matter if I come in with a smile on my face or not, I will certainly leave with one, and a positive thought about the next day.

When I moved into Atalaya Foundation’s training apartament I realized I am not just another person in the statistics.


Because aside from a home the main thing I received was love. It can seem funny, but everytime I have a problem the housing guardians are ready to help me. They come, from the goodness of their hearts, and spend time with us whenever they need it. 

They teach us how to enter adulthood with our heads held high, no matter our past. They give us what we didn’t have at home – self-belief, care, love and, most of all, time. 

I remember my first day in the training apartament. When I entered and opened the door to my own room (!!!) I saw a beautifully prepared bed with fresh sheets and a few cushions so that I can sleep comfortably. This made a huge impression on me. For the first time I felt that someone was genuinely waiting for me and wanted the best for me. In the training apartament I stood on my own two feet and understood that I deserve the best. And my past is a chapter which I understood and closed behind me, with the help of my housing guardians. Isn’t that what I training apartament for young, lost people should look like? I hope as many people as possible will get the chance to benefit from Atalaya’s training apartaments, because that is where the fundaments of independence form thanks to the guardians. 

With you the impossible becomes possible.

Atalaya is a foundation that genuinely helps by empowering those under its’ care and encouraging them to test their strength in everyday life.

I seriously owe a lot to you and I’m happy I mave the possibility to work with you and I hope to continue after i turn 18. 

The place it self is cool to me. It’s one of the things which I’m most happy about that I received from this place. There is nothing i didn’t like because I personally think that I took away a lot from you and I hope to take away even more. 

You have helped me a lot and you’re awesome.

Like I’ve said when we talked, I have already experienced adulthood so here I am able to help myself and relax in a sense. 

Help in finding oneself.

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