Empathy in Action

As part of the “Empathy in Action” project, we conducted free developmental and educational workshops for disadvantaged youth from the Wola district, aged 14 to 19, who are at risk of social exclusion.


The project consisted of one cycle of workshops, which lasted for 2 full days (20 training hours), and a concluding meeting (4 training hours). The workshops were preceded by individual meetings with each participant, and had a recruitment nature (getting to know the participants’ needs and motivations).

The workshops aimed to develop skills that would help our youth discover and become aware of their values, see values as resources, and foster attitudes of openness and empathy. The goal of the workshops was also to develop prosocial attitudes, enabling participants to learn how to create lasting and healthy relationships. The workshops fostered communication and teamwork skills, and a sense of group identity.

The “Empathy in Action” workshops focused on emotional, cognitive, and social development. Trainers utilized methods such as improvisation, educational games, sociometry, and storytelling, which helped build trust among the group participants and facilitated collaborative work.

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