Erasmus+ Accreditation

We are excited to have been granted an Erasmus+ Accreditation, which will now allow us to organise mobility activities on a regular basis within the next two years with our youth! 

The first of our upcoming plans is a staff mobility, that will take place between 14th – 19th of October 2024 in the Polish mountains. It will be an opportunity for our youth that we regularly work with to develop their leadership skills, working mainly on competences such as communication, project planning and conflict resolution. We want our youth, who are already experienced in taking part in Erasmus+ projects, to become more engaged in the projects by preparing them for the role of youth leaders for the youth mobilities that will follow.

If you want to spend a week working in an international group on leadership skills, and spend free time in beautiful mountains we invite you to our information and recruitment meeting on 3rd September 2024, during which we will tell you more about what you can expect from this mobility and we can hear your input about why you would like to join! We will be waiting for your at our office on Wolska 66/39 in Warsaw! 


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