What is CUMA?

Atalaya Youth Empowerment Center (PL: Centrum Usamodzielnienia Młodzieży Atalaya) is a safe place for young people who are on their way to become independent. A shelter in which teenagers are provided with longterm support in various areas of personal growth.


Who is CUMA for?

CUMA is a place for youth aged 15-29 (mostly 16-20) staying in the foster care system or leaving it.

CUMA also offers support for teenagers not associated with the foster care system, who are currently in a difficult life situation or are struggling with family issues. 

Areas of support

1) Professional and educational (support in preparing to undertake a job and become employed; support in continuing education; development of professional competencies)

2) Interpersonal (relationships with others; communication, cooperation skills, conflicts resolution).

3) Intrapersonal (relationship with yourself, awareness of one’s own strengths and other areas in need of further development, setting life goals, development of empathy, inner motivation, self-esteem and a sense of self-worth)

4) Systemic (support in everyday life: housing matters, bureaucratic and legal issues etc.)

5) Housing – we are leading 5 training apartments for youth who is leaving foster care, as part of project “Lighthouse”.


What does CUMA consist of?

Supported housing

5 flats for foster care youth in transition to adulthood


tutoring or private lessons

Developmental workshops

Skills & knowledge trainings tailored to the needs


Safe meeting & integration space

Support groups

2 groups: for younger (14-17) and older youth (18+)

Specialist support

Psychological, therapeutic and legal assistance

Sign up

Young people currently in relations with us

Sheets of paper used on math lessons

Vacancies in our training apartments

cups of coffee and tea drank since the beginning of the year

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